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by Joget, Inc.

The JDBC Store Binder Plugins allows you to use SQL Select statements, to store the fields data back into a database.

  • Fields in the current form
  • Row fields in an Advance Grid, Grid, Form Grid or List Grid.

The data can write to the default Joget database or an external database source of your choice.

If an "external database source" is required, you will need to specify the following:

  • Custom JDBC Driver
  • Custom JDBC URL
  • Custom JDBC Username & Password

Example of a SQL Insert statement:

    insert into dir_user (id, username, firstName, lastName, email, active) values ({id}, {id}, {firstName}, {lastName}, {email}, 1)

Do download all three plugins sets as they work together:

In a Joget database, your actual table name is prefix with "app_fd_" and column name prefix with "c_".

Read more at Joget Knowledge Base



  • Joget Enterprise v6 & DX comes preinstalled with JDBC plugins and the v6 & DX plugins are not compatible with v5 JDBC plugins.
  • In a Joget database, your actual table name is prefix with "app_fd_" and column name prefix with "c_". Read more at Joget Knowledge Base


What's New

  • Updated on March 1 2016, fix on Custom Datasource.
  • Updated on March 10, 2016 with the following enhancements:
    • Fixed: Added Delete query to delete 'mark as deleted' data when used as multirow binder 
    • Added: Support {uuid} syntax to generate a UUID for primary key
    • Added: Support {foreignKey} syntax to retrieve the primary key of parent form when dealing with multirow data.
    • MySQL Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col1,col2,col3) VALUES({uuid},'some text',{foreignKey});
  • Updated on 23-Oct-2019 for Joget v6 Professional and Enterprise. This JDBC binder will display with binder name "... (Marketplace)" appended.


Steps To Import This Plugin

  1. Click "Download" on this plugin screen (It will be a .jar file).
  2. Go to your Joget localhost or server, in Joget Console navigate to "Admin Bar>Systems Settings>Manage Plugins" and click "Upload Plugins" button.
  3. In "Upload Plugin", select the plugin .jar file you just downloaded, then click "Upload".
  4. Depending on the plugin type, you can now view your new plugin in your form or datalist or userview.
  5. Remember to always uninstall the old plugin before uploading a new version.
  6. The Joget Knowledge Base has more information on managing and developing plugins.


Additional Plugin Information

October 23, 2019
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
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