by Joget, Inc.
NAICS stands for "North American Industry Classification System".

It is used by business and government to classify business establishments according to the type of economic activity (process of production) in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America.

The NAICS List App is a utility app that will allow you to set up and manage the above codes and description.

  1. By managing the NAICS  list separately, you will be able to reuse the NAICS  list in all your forms in any of your apps.
  2. It gives you the convenience to make changes and managing the NAICS  list from a central location.
  3. The NAICS data is gathered from



  • This app was updated for Joget v6 Professional/Enterprise edition and higher.
  • This app employs the following v6 features:
    • Using the latest v6 Universal Theme which is responsive and mobile ready.


Notes On Database:

  • This app needs a bigger database column datatype of LONGTEXT in JSON column due to the embedded sample data.
  • If you are:
    1) running Joget Enterprise on version 4, or
    2) recently updated your Joget from version 4 to version 5,
    please refer to this link in Joget Knowledge Base to perform the necessary database changes to change the column datatype (examples are for MySQL).
  • The above step is not required if your platform is a brand new Joget Enterprise version 5 as all JSON database columns are already LONGTEXT.


Additional App Information

March 11, 2020
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
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