by Joget, Inc.

You can control your datalist column's display format using the Beanshell Datalist Formatter Plugin.

For example, you can now display numerical values in your datalist  column the color red all values <= 0 and the color green all values > 0 using BeanShell Java scripting language.


  1. Edit the column properties in Datalist Builder.
  2. Click to the 'Formatter" tab.
  3. Select option "Bean Shell Formatter".
  4. Click next button.
  5. In "Configure Bean Shell Formatter" tab, you can key in the example beanshell:
    int number = Integer.parseInt(value);
    if (number <= 0) {
    return "<span style=\"color:red\">" + value + "</span>";
    } else {
    return "<span style=\"color:green\">" + value + "</span>";

Do try the related plugin using Condition Formatter Datalist Plugin.


Steps To Import This Plugin

  1. Click "Download" on this plugin screen (It will be a .jar file).
  2. Go to your Joget localhost or server, in Joget Console navigate to "Admin Bar>Systems Settings>Manage Plugins" and click "Upload Plugins" button.
  3. In "Upload Plugin", select the plugin .jar file you just downloaded, then click "Upload".
  4. Depending on the plugin type, you can now view your new plugin in your form or datalist or userview.
  5. Remember to always uninstall the old plugin before uploading a new version.
  6. The Joget Knowledge Base has more information on managing and developing plugins.


Additional Plugin Information

July 22, 2016
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
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