by Joget, Inc.

Easily add and manage Joget user accounts, departments, grades, groups, and organization records using the Joget User Management Utility app.

Use this utility app to manage your users if you are developing stand-alone apps where you need to allow your app users to manage an organization, departments, etc. without giving them full administrator access to the backend.

Follow the 5 steps below to start using the utility:

  1. Organization Setup
  2. Department Setup
  3. Grade Setup
  4. User Setup
  5. Group Setup

You can import user records in CSV or excel format using the User Import Menu. The file format is "username, password, firstname, lastname, email, active, userroles".

What's New 

  • 11-Oct-2019: Updated the import format help text & confirmation message.
  • 26-Jul-2023: Updated with correct JDBC Option binder.


  • This User Management utility app is not applicable if you are using LDAP or AD directories.
  • Please note that the number of users that can log in to the system is dependent on the number of Enterprise/Professional Users license activated and that not all users will be listed and managed in this app.
  • Note that you can only manage users that do not have an admin role in this app.
  • This app was updated for Joget v6 Professional/Enterprise and higher. If you are using Joget v5, click here.
  • This app employs the following v6 features:
    • Using the v6 Universal Theme which is responsive and mobile-ready.
    • Using the Entity Data Binder to populate the Joget user datalists.


Additional App Information

July 26, 2023
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
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Michael Meng
this is what I need right now
July 2, 2022
Zhang Allen
July 31, 2019
promlert pearrukkrai
May 9, 2019