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Export CSV or Excel Plugin

The File Type Validator plugin validates uploaded files based on the configured list of allowed file types and their associated MIME types.
Maketplaceicon_Form Element.png Enterprise Edition Joget, Inc. 40 Free
JDBC Form Validator Plugin

This plugin allows user to perform validation by writing a SQL query.
Maketplaceicon_Form Element.png Enterprise Edition Joget, Inc. 133 Free
JSON API Validator Plugin

The JSON API Validator plugin validates the input based on API Call by comparing the API Call result and expected result.
Maketplaceicon_Form Element.png Enterprise Edition Partner 78 Free

This unique form validator plugin allows a maximum of 5 form validator plugins to be configured for a form element.
Maketplaceicon_Form Element.png Enterprise Edition Joget, Inc. 119 Free
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