by Joget, Inc.

The Expenses Claim app has been written for Joget v6 Enterprise.

This app uses many of the new features and capabilities of Joget v6 in forms, datalists, and userviews.

The Expenses Claim app was designed for employees to submit and head of departments (HOD) to approve expense claims online.


Workflow Design

  1. The claimant submits a New Expenses Claim.
  2. Expense claim is routed to the selected HOD for approval.
  3. If approved, the expense claim is routed the Finance Department for verification and processing of payment.
  4. HOD can request the claimant to resubmit the expense claim and the expense claim will redirect back to the claimant's inbox for reevaluation, or the HOD can reject it which ends the process flow.



  • This app was updated for Joget v6 Professional/Enterprise. Click here to download the app for v5.
  • This app employs the following v6 features:
    • Using the latest v6 Universal Theme which is responsive and mobile ready.
    • Using the new Dashboard userview element to display the leave information at a glance.


Credits: Free icons from


Additional App Information

January 31, 2019
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
Write a review
chung jeeyoung
this app help me. thank you.
February 24, 2019