by Joget, Inc.

The Process Enhancement Plugin is a set of four plugins to automatically generates the approval and rejection buttons in the datalist and form screens.

The Process Enhancement Plugin are made up of the following plugins:

  1. Process form modifier (New form plugin to add action buttons to the form, such as "Approve" or "Reject", etc. ).
  2. Two process generators (Wizards to auto generate the datalist, userview, process design and process mappings).
  3. Process list (A new userview menu to display action buttons in the datalist, such as "Approve" or "Reject", etc. ).
  4. Datalist actions (internal to item 1 and 2 above).

Do read the Joget Knowledge Base for more information & sample app at here.

The latest version of this plugin is process_enhancement-7.0.13.jar.



This plugin was designed specially for the Joget DX Enterprise and Professional editions.


What's New

  • 19-Dec-2019 Updated with fix in Process List to allow process resubmission in withdrawal menu.
  • 16-Apr-2020 Updated with various bug fixes and improvements.
  • 21-May-2020 Updated with new option to edit the comment section labels. 
  • 07-Jul-2020 Updated with bug fixes on comments field.
  • 19-Aug-2020 Updated with Chinese translation and alert message fixes.
  • 11-Sep-2020 Updated with various minor fixes.
  • 08-Dec-2020 Updated with fix on "Execute tool after process withdrawal (email tool)".
  • 12-Jan-2021 Updated with various minor fixes.
  • 09-Mac-2021 Updated with a minor fix.
  • 06-Apr-2021 Updated with fix on reassignment dropdown menu display.
  • 06-Oct-2021 Updated with fix on Process List for MSSQL database if records above 2100.
  • 30-Nov-2021 Updated with fix to send user notification email on user reassignment, Joget DX v7.0.24 or higher is required.
  • 11-01-2022 Updated with fix for process status display.
  • 21-11-2022 Updated with fix for multiple process approver & new form builder element to display comment field via CRUD.


Steps To Import This Plugin

  1. Click "Download" on this plugin screen (It will be a .jar file).
  2. Go to your Joget localhost or server, in Joget Console navigate to "Admin Bar>Systems Settings>Manage Plugins" and click "Upload Plugins" button.
  3. In "Upload Plugin", select the plugin .jar file you just downloaded, then click "Upload".
  4. Depending on the plugin type, you can now view your new plugin in your form or datalist or userview.
  5. Remember to always uninstall the old plugin before uploading a new version.
  6. The Joget Knowledge Base has more information on managing and developing plugins.


Additional Plugin Information

November 21, 2022
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
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